Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Catholic News Roundup 08-09

Archdiocese Advertises Homosexuality

The Chicago Archdiocese has revealed through a newspaper advertisement that it has been hosting gay masses for the past twenty-three years.


APA Re-Affirms Homosexual Support

The American Psychological Association has come completely out of the closet to completely support lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender culture.


Kicking the Koran Habit

Denominational Protestant churches across America are fighting the introduction of the Koran into their Sunday services countering the effort by reading the Jewish Torah instead.


China Changes Population Policy

China wants to keep abortion around but is going to try prohibiting sex-selective abortions in its culture of population control.


Atheists' Bragg

The Army is holding an Atheist-themed concert at Fort Bragg in North Carolina after receiving backlash criticism for a Christian-themed event it previously held on the base.


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